Environmental and Social Policy
Direct Janitorial Solutions Ltd operates an Environmental Management System which is documented, implemented and maintained ensuring compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements related to our activities, products and services and their environmental aspects and impacts.
Our Organisation:
- Retails a wide range of cleaning chemicals, ancillary cleaning consumables, dosing systems, antibacterial and antiviral hand gel, social distancing signage, stickers, banners, and rugged mobile phones.
- Incorporates consideration of environmental factors into business decisions to encourage reduction, reuse, and recycling in all areas of our business and activities.
- Uses, whenever possible local small and medium enterprises, where it is not cost-prohibitive.
- Is committed to the protection of the environment, including the prevention of pollution.
- Store, handles, and disposes of all potentially hazardous substances in a safe and proper manner, taking all measures to prevent pollution.
- Uses packaging that minimizes adverse effects on the environment, including conserving and improving energy efficiency and water use.
- Has established contingency plans and implemented related training to all our employees to prevent and to handle environmental incidents and emergencies.
- Is committed to continually improve the environmental performance of our activities by establishing and reviewing objectives, targets, monitoring, and measurements.
- Is committed to fulfilling its compliance obligation related to its environmental aspects, and takes these into consideration when implementing, maintaining, and continually improving our environmental management system.
- Encourages employee feedback on potential deficiencies and improvements in our environmental practice.
- Communicates this policy and appropriate information to all employees, any persons working for or on behalf of Direct Janitorial Solutions Ltd, any interested parties, and the public.
- We recognize our role within the global, national and local society and as such respect culture, customs and values.
Stuart Laird, Managing Director
Date: 01/02/2021